615742N 0285523E - 615621N 0285922E - 615528N 0285802E - 615649N 0285403E - 615742N 0285523E
During the operational hours of the ATS unit, UAS operations are only allowed with a permission from the Air Traffic Service provider.
Outside the operational hours of the ATS unit, UAS operations are only allowed with a permission from the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency or under special conditions set by the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency.
615912N 0285451E - 615636N 0290233E - 615358N 0285834E - 615634N 0285052E - 615912N 0285451E
During the operational hours of the ATS unit, UAS operations are only allowed with a permission from the Air Traffic Service provider.
Outside the operational hours of the ATS unit, UAS operations are only allowed with a permission from the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency or under special conditions set by the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency.
Outside the lateral boundaries of EFSA UAS A geographical zone, flying in the vicinity of an obstacle (a horizontal distance of 50 metres maximum) is allowed at all times, and the height of the obstacle may be exceeded with 15 metres at the request of the entity responsible for the obstacle.
EFSA UAS C 50 M - 120 M
620101N 0285323E - 615632N 0290640E - 615209N 0290001E - 615638N 0284645E - 620101N 0285323E
During the operational hours of the ATS unit, UAS operations above 50 m (AGL) are only allowed with a permission from the Air Traffic Service provider.
Outside the operational hours of the ATS unit, UAS operations in the zone above 50 m (AGL) is permitted only under the following conditions:
- The UAS operator must submit a separate notification to the Air Traffic Service provider. The purpose of the notification is to inform the ATS unit of the UAS activity in the event of an additional unexpected opening of the ATS unit.
- The flying altitude must be less than 120 meters (AGL)
- The flight must take place outside the lateral boundaries of EFSA UAS B geographical zone
- The UAS operator must listen to the radio frequency of that ATS unit in question.
The operational hours of the ATS unit must be checked from the Aeronautical Information Publication www.ais.fi (External link), and by calling that ATS unit in question. The contact information of ATS units can be found on Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP SUOMI/FINLAND).
Outside the lateral boundaries of EFSA UAS A geographical zone, flying in the vicinity of an obstacle (a horizontal distance of 50 metres maximum) is allowed at all times, and the height of the obstacle may be exceeded with 15 metres at the request of the entity responsible for the obstacle.
620905N 0284652E - 615626N 0292413E - 614420N 0290540E - 615654N 0282823E - 620905N 0284652E
During the operational hours of the ATS unit, UAS operations above 120 m (AGL) are only allowed with a permission from the Air Traffic Service provider.
Outside the operational hours of the ATS unit, UAS operations above 120 m (AGL) are only allowed with a permission from the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency or under special conditions set by the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency.
Outside the lateral boundaries of EFSA UAS A geographical zone, flying in the vicinity of an obstacle (a horizontal distance of 50 metres maximum) is allowed at all times, and the height of the obstacle may be exceeded with 15 metres at the request of the entity responsible for the obstacle.
Aerial photography
Taking photographs and inspecting military zones from the air requires authorisation from the Defence Command.