

651602N 0255151E - 650835N 0255443E - 650720N 0255807E - 650709N 0260727E - 651408N 0262747E - 651414N 0262415E - 651543N 0262415E - 651715N 0255932E - 651602N 0255151E - 651602N 0255151E

Inside NOKIA OULU ZONE UAS geographical zone, Nokia Innovations Ltd. is exempted from the following (EU) 2019/947 open category requirements:

  • Unmanned aircraft system (Article 4 point 1 a)
  • Distance to people (Article 4 point 1 c)
    • Conditions: No flights above Oulu-Kuusamo road. If crossing the road is absolutely necessary, it should be made as quickly as possible (90 degree angle) and at a time with low traffic density.
    • Flying over assemblies of people is prohibited. A minimum distance to assemblies of people shall as a minimum correspond to the flight height (1:1 rule).
  • Visual line of sight (Article 4, point 1 d)
    • ​​Conditions: BVLOS operations are only allowed when temporary danger area is active
  • Maximum flying height (Article 4, point 1 e)
    • Conditions: Flights above 120 m AGL are only allowed when temporary danger area is active
  • Rules and procedures for the operation of UAS (Article 7, point 1) as follows:
    • UAS.OPEN.010, point 2
      • Conditions: Flights above 120 m AGL are only allowed when temporary danger area is active.
    • UAS.OPEN.020, point 5
      • Conditions: instead of the maximum take-off mass for subcategory A1, the general open category limit in accordance with Article 4 (1) (b) for the maximum take-off mass shall be complied with. At least the conditions for safe distance from people set out in UAS.OPEN.020 point 1 for class C1 aircraft shall be complied with during flights.
    • UAS.OPEN.050, point 5
    • UAS.OPEN.060, point 1c
      • ConditionsFlight route planning must always take in to account the overflight area. Flights above uninvolved persons and crossing Oulu-Kuusamo road must be avoided. 
    • UAS.OPEN.060, point 1e
      • Conditions: The operator must ensure that the operation is safely conducted despite the exemption, and that maximum take-off mass 25 kg is never exceeded
    • UAS.OPEN.060, point 2b
      • Conditions: The exemption is granted only with regards to the requirement on VLOS. BVLOS operations are only allowed when temporary danger area is active.
    • UAS.OPEN.060, point 2d
      • Conditions: The exemption is only granted with regard to AMC1 UAS.OPEN.060(2)(d) point (a)(3) requirement to operate only one UA at a time. The remote pilot has to be able to maintain control of the unmanned aircrafts and follow the operator's procedures in the case of a lost link.
    • UAS.OPEN.060, point 2e
      • Conditions: Deviating from the manufacturer's limitations described in the operating instructions is allowed only according to procedures stated in the application

The exemptions in the UAS geographical zone apply only to UAS operations conducted by Nokia Innovations Ltd. according to Nokia Innovations' flight procedures and the conditions set in Traficom decision and it's enclosures.